The Bay Area CAN:

Covid-19 Awareness Network

Join by texting "@bayareacan"

Social media and partisan news outlets floods us with overwhelming amounts of charts, articles, and speculations. The Bay Area CAN aims to help those in our local community receive credible, vetted information in an easily digestible format.

We know the Bay Area CAN do it

The Bay Area COVID-19 Awareness Network (CAN) aims to inform the Bay Area community with timely and accurate information about the most recent COVID-19 developments. As a result, we hope to provide a platform to ensure our community is all on the same page regarding the severity of COVID-19. We deliver this information through updated

1) News and Informatics

2) Business and location reopenings/closings

3) Uplifting messages to brighten up your day during these stressful times.

Facilitated by a team of motivated college students, we vet and display the most credible information from top medical institutes and professionals in an easily-comprehensible and comforting manner.

Join by texting "@bayareacan"

About us

As Bay Area natives and college students pursuing careers in health care, we wanted to support our community in any way we could during this challenging pandemic. That’s why we decided to start the Bay Area CAN, an ever-growing team of college students dedicated to contributing to the fight against COVID-19! Through our platform we strive to create a well-informed society and together we CAN flatten the curve :)

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Want to get involved?

If you have any issues joining our network OR would like to become a contributing member of the Bay Area CAN...

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